Friday, September 25, 2009

Loving what you do

I wonder how is it sometimes the very person who wanted the job now mumbles under their breath about how unhappy they are with the job.

The manager of the establishment, the president of the label, the national director of some global company, all started somewhere doing something that got them closer to the designated spot they now occupy. Most of those who were interns, assistants and low level employees ended on top due to promotions being given to them that they rightfully deserved because of their work ethic and dedication. They went above and beyond the call of duty.

Bottom line, give it your all with whatever it is you do. If it pays, keep it moving and learn as much about the position you're in and the position you want to be in. Discover a way to love what you do! I'd love to hear the success stories.
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1 comment:

kitty wu said...

thanks mama. i needed that pep talk. and i need too. everything happens for a reason.